منصة الابلاغات الالكترونية لمكتب مكافحة غسل الاموال وتمويل الارهاب
You have reached the AML/CFT Office of Iraq live reporting portal. You can use the portal for registering with IQFIU, submitting reports and communication via the messaging capabilities.
contact: support.goaml.iraq@aml.iq
Please note that in order to get access to the system, you first need to register as a reporting entity under "Register as an Organization". Once the registration process has been successfully completed, you can log in with the credentials you have previously defined.
contact: support.goaml.iraq@aml.iq
For more information on goAML please contact the AML/CFT Office on:
support.goaml.iraq@aml.iq OR
Registration Manual
Please, click on this link to open the registration manual.